= "Freedom e Union NGO ; Global Justice Network" (including "ANON"global too)

These Logs (if you can manage to concentrate for more than the average sheeple 5 minutes ) are also at; * mon tv-chrislog.blog spot.com * / unsubtolosi-rednet.blog spot.com * / rednet-alien.blogs pot.com * / unsublog- chrisfandungo.blogs pot.com/2022/03/ version-3-see-previous-ly-unsubbed-ha .html (& several other Logs blocked completely by USAcorp & co..such as our MEd1ATEAM at newsdawn a.blogspot.com ) & original (after our videos were blocked, back "then") http:// unsub-b.blogs pot.com (also banned by google gUestapo) MonTv ("MY television") was an (UN)Sub-stitute for videos that were repeatedly blocked on Utube/Vimeo & our websites (EPO) UNsub also had a website ; and it was an abreviated name from "UNsubscribe" when ChRiS had charge of net groups that required (gratis) "subscription" a response to the MORE Rons ..if u dont like the truth = UNsub....! However, it WAS/IS a "co-incidence" that the term "Uns...